
Google Hacked to Show Russian Car Crash

Submitted by Mike on

This morning searching for Emmy or Obama even news would produce the following images in search results:

Google Hacked to Show Russian Car Crash

Whether it was a glitch, a hack or the NSA playing games no one has any information on what has caused this. Years ago crap like this would happen all the time, but these days it is always considered a hack of sorts. Google hasn’t commented on the issue that went back to normal around 1000hrs Central.

Google Took My Life

Submitted by Mike on

Since the release of the Google search engine back in the late 90’s I have slowly become what might be diagnosed as mild to severe retardation, I have lost my intellectual and financial independence. Let me explain if you don’t know where I am going with this.

I used to know how to Speell Wordz: Seriously Google search engine has made me so slack when it comes to finding stuff of the web, I don’t have to know how to spell anything correctly, or even close it knows what I mean.

New Year, the Same War: What Are Apple, Google and Facebook Preparing for 2013

Submitted by Laurentiu Stan on

In recent years, Apple, Google and Facebook have been gradually violated their territories. For 2013 the war is expected to escalate on two fronts, online search and hardware.

Two of the biggest players in the software market, Google and Amazon, are looking forward to increase their hardware presence in order to increase the loyalty of their customers and gain greater control over their software services. In response, Apple is increasingly developing its own software in order for their products to differentiate from the competition.

Google’s Loss is Bing’s Gain

Submitted by Dave Won. on

If you’re a customer of Google Adwords, then you will be well aware of how as their customer you are ignored when issues arise. Sometimes after days and sometimes weeks of waiting for a problem to be fixed you have got to wonder how any company can stay afloat after such poor service.

Professor kicked from MacDonald’s in Paris

Submitted by Dave Won on

Steve Mann a Professor at University of Toronto was kicked out of a MacDonald’s in Paris France for wearing his cyborg head gear. Steve insists on embarrassing his family in public, which he has been doing now for over 20 years.

I am going to give the guy a break he was simply trying to show his family what a little taste of French culture is like, by taking them to a fine MacDonald's family restaurant. 

How To Change The Message Tone On Android OS phones

Submitted by Dave Won on
To change the text tone on Android phones load text messages built-in application icon, this could be located on the desktop or on the main menu, it may even be on one of the desktops that you have to scroll through.The icon to load the text messages application will look something like this Now touch this icon or click depending on what phone model you have, after the built-in App loads it should like this . note this example has no messages in the inbox. Once you see the message screen you need to press your menu button or options button to load the menu for messaging that looks like Now click the settings icon. This will load the settings menu for messaging scroll down until you reach 'Select Ringtone.