Google Took My Life

Submitted by Mike on

Since the release of the Google search engine back in the late 90’s I have slowly become what might be diagnosed as mild to severe retardation, I have lost my intellectual and financial independence. Let me explain if you don’t know where I am going with this.

I used to know how to Speell Wordz: Seriously Google search engine has made me so slack when it comes to finding stuff of the web, I don’t have to know how to spell anything correctly, or even close it knows what I mean.

Google tells me exactly what I want to buy, I don’t have to concern myself with deciding what products and services I need, I don’t even have to be on Google’s website, I could be anywhere on the web and Google keeps telling me what I need.

Google shares my information with the US Government illegally and sells my information to large corporations; I guess they felt this was in my best interest.
All the world news is provided through your news filter, now I hate/love president because of the stories you choose to shown.

I used to know how to read a map, or use my brain to get to a location, now my phone equipped with Google maps tells me how to get myself from A to B.
I use Google glass to identify people that I see; I don’t have to remember their names.

I am losing my mind thanks to Google.

Regards, the shell of what was functioning human being.