How to get Debug mode in Sonic 1

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To enable Debug Mode in Sonic the Hedgehog 1 (1991) on Sega Genesis, follow these steps:

Steps for the Sega Genesis Version:

  1. Enter Level Select:
    • On the title screen, when "Press Start" appears, press Up, Down, Left, Right.
    • If done correctly, you'll hear a ring chime.
    • Hold A and press Start to open the Level Select menu.
  2. Enable Debug Mode:
    • In the Level Select menu, enter the Sound Test option.
    • Play the following sounds in this order:
      • 01, 09, 09, 02, 01, 01, 02, 04
      • If entered correctly, you'll hear a ring chime.
  3. Start the Game with Debug Mode:
    • Select a level from the Level Select menu.
    • Hold A and press Start to begin the game.

Controls in Debug Mode:

  • B - Toggles between Sonic and object placement mode.
  • A - Changes the object you're placing.
  • C - Places the selected object.

This allows you to spawn items, move freely, and even break the game mechanics!