Where is technology heading?

Submitted by Mike on

Today the need to comply with technology has become more than an essential, there has got to be some sort of cross over point when we will see the complete closure of the physical bank buildings and other services that have been push in to our homes via Internet & card service connectivity.

Given that this progression has been predicted to happen for man years, in reality maybe we can now predict when this is all going to come to fruition.

So back to what I was say about where technology is heading, well eventually technology will outsource all of us.

If human designed system decides that it is in the companies best interest to remove the CEO of a company, then it will.

Electronic future

Who are we fooling Technology isn't a good thing at all, infact it is scary because it is moving faster and changing lives more than any government or religion ever has, and no one notices.

If we could escape the age of robots, where would we go?

Makes you think.