Kill Switch To be Added to Windows and Android Phones.

Submitted by Dave Won on

A kill switch is going to be added to Windows and Android phones after the Secure Our Smartphones Initiative has gotten the message across to phone manufacturers that people want to have phones that are going to be less appealing to potential thieves.

According to the initiative in 2012, 1.6 million Americans were victimized for their smartphones. Well if the numbers are anything to go by, this is a good thing for consumers who are sick of being mugged and attacked for the sake of having their phone taken. In some cases people are even killed in the process of having their phone stolen.

Shockingly in New York City, 20 percent of all robberies involve theft of smartphones; which is a 40 percent hike since last year. 

There has been reduction in iPhone robberies since Apple implemented their own kill switch software upgrade, so most likely when the kill switch is introduced there where will be a drop in Samsung related phone theft as these are the hottest phones to steal now.

More information is available at: Secure Our Smartphones Initiative