iPhone 5 Hype.. who cares.

Submitted by Dave Won. on

According to nearly every tabloid news source you read, there is a constant reference to the iPhone 5 hype. In fact, the media itself are creating this frenzy because there is nothing else worth reporting. You will notice that they constantly will refer to the iPhone 5 hype being at an all-time high. Never before has something that hasn’t even come out yet been so popular. People are speculating what features it might have themselves into a zombie state of excitement. Seriously, if the iPhone 5 is all, you have to look forward to in life… this is pretty sad.

To the media: most people don’t care about the iPhone 5.
Here is how I see it go down; the iPhone 5 finally comes out… like anything that is wished and wanted so much it never meets expectations, people revolt against iPhone 5 and turn to more powerful devices that are half the price. Having said that, it could be beyond expectations… but I somehow doubt it, it hasn’t in the past, so why would it now.

No one will know until the big day, and like my Dad has always said, “When the shit hits the fan, it goes everywhere.” So I will try to reserve judgment until then.

Maybe if we all concentrate and meditate hard enough, we can bring the iPhone 5 into existence. Steve Jobs will rise from Hell and give all the living a new iPhone 5.

Why this writer despises the iPhone:

You know the iPhone probably wouldn’t be looked down upon by tech gurus if people didn't crap on about them so much. The other thing that makes me and others sick is how teenage girls have a crying tantrum when they can’t get their poor parents to fork out hundreds of dollars on an iPhone 4 for their all-important Facebook and Twitter updates.