Android and the battle with Malware

Submitted by Dave Won. on

During the last year, the Android OS has been plagued with Malware, almost gaining a reputation that Microsoft gained with Windows OS on desktop computers during the last few decades. So why is Android being attacked with Malware? This is a good question given that it is based on Linux OS an Operating System that has always been known for not needing anti-malware/Antivirus software.

The simple answer is opportunity, and market share. You only have to look at who is leading market in any technology area and there will follow a bunch of low life people that want to either cash in on fraud or just make an OS crash because they can. Why isn’t Apple getting these kinds of problems on iOS? Apple doesn’t just let any piece of software appear in their apps store, and many times the problem's Apple has with iOS only some after a device have been jail broken.

If you go to the Playstore (Formerly Android Marketplace) on your Android device, there is an App for almost everything, and many of these applications cost nothing to download. How can they be free? Well much like anything on the web money is made from advertising within the applications. This is fine and all and completely justified... but the advertising can often be for installation other malicious applications that contain malware and will either force an install on the device or will take advantage of vulnerabilities in the particular Android OS release.

Mobile based websites are also taking advantage of Java layers on Android have also caused problems by installing apps that spoof other legit apps. The latest fake apps are taking a toll on users of Android OS with a Fake Skype App identified by TrendMirco as ‘JAVA_SMSSEND.ABv’ (1.Trend). This particular malware sends text messages to random premium services and makes the creator of the malware loads of money, while you are left with premium number charges.

A few things can be done to make sure your Android phone is safer is to install an antivirus software like AVG Mobile, also make sure the option to install applications from unknown sources is not turned off.
I think the best thing that anyone can do to make sure their Android OS is safe is to be wise and only stick to sites, and applications that have a good reputation.
