Email Scammers Are Getting Desperate

Submitted by Mike on Sat, 05/02/2020

 Since email scammers have been trying to extort people through email, they have had to come up with new ideas on how to get email through the filters that stop the email coming through in the first place.  And the latest trick is using non-English characters. The scammers always try the same old tactics using password that were hacked from myspace over a decade ago. I will post an example of one of these ridiculous emails below. Hopefully you found this article while searching for information on these emails and you have avoided a scam.


Î am a hacker who haș acceșș to your operatîng șyștem.
Î alșo have full acceșș to your account.

Thîș meanș that î have full acceșș to your devîce: At the tîme of hackîng your account ([email protected]) had thîș pașșword: password

You can șay: thîș îș my, but old pașșword!
Or: î can change my pașșword at any tîme!

Of courșe! You wîll be rîght,
but the fact îș that when you change the pașșword, my malîcîouș code every tîme șaved a new one!

Î've been watchîng you for a few monthș now.
The fact îș that you were înfected wîth malware through an adult șîte that you vîșîted.

îf you are not famîlîar wîth thîș, î wîll explaîn.
Trojan Vîruș gîveș me full acceșș and control over a computer or other devîce.
Thîș meanș that î can șee everythîng on your șcreen, turn on the camera and mîcrophone, but you do not know about ît.

Î alșo have acceșș to all your contactș and all your correșpondence.
Why your antîvîruș dîd not detect malware?
Anșwer: My malware ușeș the drîver, î update îtș șîgnatureș every 4 hourș șo that your antîvîruș îș șîlent.

Î made a vîdeo șhowîng how you mașturbate on the left half of the șcreen, and în the rîght half you șee the vîdeo that you watched. Wîth one clîck of the moușe,
Î can șend thîș vîdeo to all your emaîlș and contactș on șocîal networkș. î can alșo poșt acceșș to all your e-maîl correșpondence and meșșengerș that you ușe.

Îf you want to prevent thîș, tranșfer the amount of $920 to my bîtcoîn addreșș (îf you do not know how to do thîș, wrîte to Google: 'Buy BTC').

My bîtcoîn addreșș (BTC Wallet) îș: 13WVfQkbqdsSUNBDPDWTLqSXeaYX1tZ6UD

After receîvîng the payment, î wîll delete the vîdeo and you wîll never hear me agaîn.
Î gîve you 48 hourș to pay.
Î have a notîce readîng thîș letter, and the tîmer wîll work when you șee thîș letter.
Fîlîng a complaînt șomewhere doeș not make șenșe becaușe thîș emaîl cannot be tracked lîke my bîtcoîn addreșș.
Î do not make any mîștakeș.

Îf î fînd that you have șhared thîș meșșage wîth șomeone elșe, the vîdeo wîll be îmmedîately dîștrîbuted.

Beșt regardș!